Little Servants of Christ the King

Beatification and Canonization of the Founders

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Home History Institute and Missions News Links
Servant of God

Father Sosio Del Prete
Father Sosio Del Prete
Franciscan Friar

* Frattamaggiore 1885
† Napoli 1952
  1. Life
  2. Sites
  3. Writings
  4. Music
  5. Witnesses
  6. Pics
  7. Beatification

Cristo Re Lo stemma delle Piccole Ancelle di Cristo Re La Madonna Liberatrice dei Flagelli
Servant of God

Mother Antonietta Giugliano
Antonietta Giugliano

* New York 1909
†  Portici 1960
  1. Life
  2. Sites
  3. Writings
  4. Witnesses
  5. Pics
  6. Beatification

This website is dedicated to the Franciscan Friar Sosio Del Prete (1885-1952) and Sister Antonietta Giugliano (1909-1960) who spent their lives at the service of the poor and who founded the Religious Institute "Little Servants of Christ the King" to continue their good work. Their lives witness their holiness and faithfulness to the Christian vocation.
Their daily life was filled with hard work, painful trials and constant prayer. They were guided by the love of God and by the love of their neighbours. They were strengthened by faith and nourished by hope.
They lived in the faith of the Church and in full communion with their ecclesiastical and religious Superiors.
We can no longer close our eyes to their testimony of total dedication to God and to the poorest of the poor. We cannot disregard the faith with which they accepted sorrows and assumed them with faith in God and in the Church. It is a treasure that can no longer remain hidden.
Their witness is particularly important now when people no longer show concern for weakness, that abuse children and shame the elderly as useless burdens.
Our Founders spent their lives wholly for the poor, witnessing a deep choice for Gospel values. In today's reality, where profit at all costs is the main concern, the generous, steadfast and amazing dedication to the poor of the Founders of the Little Servants of Christ the King is a message of great actuality and an invitation to go back to the only Source of our Christian faith.
Our Founders' relationship with God was hidden in their humble daily life. It was a life lived as a gift to Christ and to their brothers and sisters. They were in this way witnesses to the Power of the Holy Spirit, at work in them. The seed they planted is still bearing fruit.
The Little Servants of Christ the King await in joyful hope for the outcome of their Founders' Process of Beatification and Canonization.
They joyfully thank the King of Heaven and Earth for having called them to bring His love to the world. They look with filial love to the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven and Deliverer from all harm.
They are grateful to God for the vocations He grants them in Mission territories. Above all however they ask God's forgiveness for their human failings.
Their faith is an everlasting act of gratitude to God, centre of the Universe and Lord of life.

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